Hurricane Otis unleashes massive flooding in Acapulco, triggers landslides before dissipating

Global News 2023-10-26 22:24:0014366Malaysia United TimesSTEVENSON


Hurricane Otis tore across Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful and dangerous Category 5 hurricane Wednesday, unleashing massive flooding in the resort city of Acapulco and setting off looting as desperate relatives tired of waiting for help to arrive.

While little is known about possible deaths or the full extent of the damage — Acapulco was still mostly inaccessible by road as of late Wednesday — experts are calling Otis the strongest storm in history to make landfall along the Eastern Pacific Coast.

Many of the once sleek beachfront hotels looked like toothless shattered hulks, after Hurricane Otis blew out hundreds — and possibly thousands — of hotel windows.

Choked with mud and debris, with no electricity or internet service, the Pacific coast resort descended into chaos after the storm, as thousands engaged in massive looting.

The hurricane had dissipated over the mountains by Wednesday afternoon, but left devastation in its wake.

Jakob Sauczuk was staying with a group of friends at a beachfront hotel when Otis hit. “We laid down on the floor and some between beds,” Sauczuk said. “We prayed a lot.”

One of his friends showed reporters photos of the windowless, shattered rooms in the hotel. It looked as if someone had put clothes, beds and furniture in a blender, leaving a shredded mess.

He complained that his group was given no warning, nor were offered safer shelter, by the hotel.


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